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Honors English 2089

My second honors experience was the Honors English 2089 Intermediate Composition Seminar. This seminar was a class that focused on critical analysis while you are reading, your writing skills, and research skills. All skills that are used and learned in other classes but were dove deeper into in this seminar, teaching me more about myself as both a reader and a writer.


I was faced with many challenges in this class as I had to learn how to research and navigate topics in a way that would enable me to write better. The first essay of this class was one about literacies, something I used to think only applied to reading and writing. Through our readings and class discussions I was introduced to a new meaning of the word and how it could mean really anything someone knew how to do. We then had to reflect on our own lives and the different things we have learned how to do and the parts of our lives that are our literacies. I went with crocheting, something I learned how to do when I was quite young, and wrote about it as my literacy. Writing an essay about crocheting in a scholarly way and being able to relate it back to the bigger picture of the class readings and lessons posed quite the challenge. To read this essay, click here!



In this class, through the challenges and all, the thing I left with the most would be improved writing skills. The skills I learned in this class through trial and error of the many drafts we went through allowed me to become more confident in my writing abilities and to be more diligent about how I approach my essays. Essay organization was something I would stumble around with a lot in this class as I found it difficult to know when and where the right place to talk about something was, but the drafts and the feedback allowed me to improve this. While I was hesitant at first to take this class, unsure of what it would entail, I am glad I did because it enabled me to become a stronger writer and a stronger student in general.

Alysse Aylor

University of Cincinnati DAAP

Honors Program

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